Came to Be.


Just a real quick note on something.  As I caught up on the latest episode of Parenthood (My 2nd all-time favorite show, behind Friday Night Lights) I got chills listening to one of the characters, Joel, explain this to his adopted son (but son none-the-less):

“First of all, you didn’t just move in with us.  You understand me?  You came to be our son.  That means that no matter what happens-no matter what you do, for the rest of your life, your mom and I are not going to stop loving you.  No matter what.”


Apply that to your relationship with the Lord.  You’ve been adopted–you are loved, you are held on to, and you will never stop being loved, or be let go–ever.  That should give you chills all day long, all day.

thumbs up,


Don’t Hate Goodbyes


As I took Rebecca back to the airport today to get her back on her way to Austin, I couldn’t help but think…”Man.  Geeze.  I just really hate goodbyes.”  Yes, exactly-Like Lloyd Christmas.  And then, as I drove a few more miles back to Rome, I realized that we’re the ones that make goodbyes suck.  Not because of how we approach them, or react DURING them.  We create them through forming wonderful, cherished, meaningful relationships with people.

I watched ‘About Time’ recently.  Recently as in last night, barely 24 hours ago.  Going into it I figured, oh boy another Rachel McAdams movie about time travel, and how she has to fall in love yet again with a guy over and over and over…Boy was I wrong.  I won’t spoil it for you, but I will say that you should check it out for yourself.


A couple quotes from the movie I liked…

“The truth is, I now don’t travel back at all. Not even for the day. I just try to live every day as if I’ve deliberately come back to this one day to enjoy it as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life.”

“We’re all travelling through time together every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride.”

My hopes and prayers for all of you are to really live in such a way that if you could travel back in time, you still wouldn’t.  Be confident with your decisions, be intentional with those you are around, and be intentional with yourself.  I truly truly believe that Goodbyes are meant to suck.  I’ll keep doing all I can to continue to make them suck, and investing in the lives God places before me.  A challenge for all of us, certainly a challenge for me.

thumbs up,




How do you know its been too long since you’ve written a post?  When you go to login to your own blog and you can’t remember your username or password and almost pee your pants, but then don’t because your computer remembered them for you—winning.  Wow. Hey.  Ya, its been awhile.  I’m sorry for it.  I have lots of excuses, some bad, some not, and most aren’t worth telling you.  Normally when I write I have something new and great to tell you–such is the case…yet again.  (Surprise, surprise)

Last time I wrote I was shooting hogs in Texas.  This time I’m writing from my couch in Rome, Georgia.  A month and a half ago I was asking a colleague where Rome was, as he informed me of a job opening there.  I had no idea there was more than one Rome.  Well there is, and I’m living here.



If you remember when I graduated from college, I moved to Idaho to work for the team there; that being my first ‘Head Groundskeeping’ job.  Well, alas, I’m a Head Groundskeeper again working for the Rome Braves (Class A Affiliate of…you guessed it…the Atlanta Braves).  This time around I have a nicer field, tons of resources, and really great people around me.  Sure I’m a little nervous about it all, but I’m confident God wouldn’t lead me here if he didn’t have a great plan in store.

Getting this new job meant I had to leave behind a lot of great relationships in Texas.  Its never easy to leave a place you’ve lived for 2 years, especially Austin, TX.  You talk about the coolest city in America that one could live…just awesome.  From every food choice, to every shopping choice, to live music for days—its got it all.  I am comforted by the fact that my girlfriend still resides there, thus providing a reason for me to come back from time to time (as if she wasn’t reason enough…she’s really great you guys).


So keep an eye out for photos or posts about my time here in Rome.  Not to put a time line on anything, but I’ll be here until God decides I’m needed elsewhere.

thumbs up,


ever in my favor…


A story.  I hope you’re ready for a story.  I’ve always looked up to people who tell a story really well.  One of those where the story can be complete garbage, but the storyteller had your attention the whole time.  Ya, those.  I’m pretty sure it comes with age and experience.  Or at least thats what ‘they’ say.

Evidently Hogs (a pig thats not your average pig) have over ran a lot of ranches throughout Texas.  I remember my Grandpa having pigs and them being fearless, destructive, and messy.  Yet…those pigs had a fence around them, and the only time they ran was when someone through a piece of food or something at them.  So my relationship with a pig wasn’t all that bad–until I saw a Texas Hog.  Oh my.

Yesterday.  (Broken down and described as best as I can)

Three of us wake up early…so early (but it was okay because I was going to kill a freaking pig, a wild pig!) and head toward the blind in the woods.  We climb up, take our spots and not 30 minutes into the hunt I look to my right and see about 8 white and black blobs haulin’ it to the corn feeder (I mean head down, tiny legs movin, haulin it!).  I couldn’t stop laughing.  The fact that these things are wild and roam around like they own the place was hysterical to me.  Not to mention they snort, making things that much more funny.  So one of the guys, Keith who is closest to the gun and has the best angle on these hogs, takes aim and shoots.  He misses high and pigs scatter left and right everywhere!  We sit around and wait some more, but that group decided to not return.

We take the morning off, do some other things, and get set for the evening hunt.   These pigs aren’t like deer where you have to wait around, taking the chance that you might not see a thing.  No, these hogs are hungry, and you WILL see them.  We go back to the same blind that we sat at before and wait in it for about 3 hours.  Seeing nothing but 2 does and a little fawn.  We decide to get up and try another spot.  This time Garrett (my boss) climbs up a blind to check if the pigs were feeding out of another feeder, while Keith and I stayed put on the ground.  He gets about half way up, looks down at us, smiles and says, ‘they’re there!’  So I walk like a ninja around the corner, and there they are.  Again, pigs all over the place.  Snorting because they love the food, snorting because their pissed at the pig beside them, and snorting just to snort.  By now my heart is racing, but I remained somewhat calm.  If you know me, you know I’m a particularly shaky person–so if I don’t have a spot to rest my gun then I’m a completely worthless hunter.  I don’t have a spot to rest my gun.  So there I am, crouched on the ground with 8-10 wild hogs 50 feet from me.  Did I mention these things sometimes run at you?  Like I said, in the top 7 of my list of scariest life moments.  Anyways, I get one of the bigger hogs in my sites, and right as he looks my way…boom.  Again, pigs scatter and pigs screaaaam.  All but one pig.  This one screams, but doesn’t scatter.  Pretty sure I shot him somewhere in the back portion of his body, hence the back portion of his body not working properly and just dragging on the ground.  His front two legs and head were still good as new.  That is until we shot him a second time to put him out of his misery.

After many high fives and congratulatory remarks, we tied my pig up and drug him back to the camp where we posed for pictures, followed by leading him to his place of rest.

So I killed a pig.  A wild freaking pig.  I thought it was pretty cool, and its an experience I will surely never forget.

On a somewhat related note, I felt like I was in the Hunger Games three times yesterday.  First when my mom sent me the text (attached) before the hunt.  Second, when we were sitting in the blind we had mosquitos flying all around us and they made a sound similar to that of a Tracker Jacker.  And third, whenever my boss pointed out to me a ‘Green Jay’.  A bird that looks similar to a blue jay, but its…green.  Reminded me of the Mocking Jays.

Also, I felt like I was in Lord of the Flies since I killed a pig.

Nerdy excerpts for the day–complete.

thumbs up,


ps.  Romney/Ryan

jokes. uncle phil.


So I tweeted about (or Facebook) this a while back and promised ya’ll that I would write and tell more about a particular joke we played on one of our grounds crew members during our first home stand.

Let me preface this story with a few things:  a) This is a widely known baseball joke played with nearly every team, everywhere.  b)  There are different variations of the joke, but the basis remains the same.  c)  This particular day was a bit stressful for our Director of Stadium Operations-as he was running around busy with other things.  d) When playing this joke properly, you get one person involved in it–not two.

We got two.  Bonus.

So at about 5:45 pm (an hour and 20 mins until first pitch) we send our new to baseball, 17 year old high school student on a hunt.  A hunt for the infamous “keys to the batters box”.  We sent him first to our GM, who gave him a quick laugh, followed by instructions to find our Director of Stadium Operations.  (Side note-when we sent him we told him to say that our boss was looking for the keys to the batters box, and that you’d know where they were) Meanwhile, this is taking place in plain site for all of us to watch unfold.  And watch we did.

Now it gets good.  Our guy asks another guy if he knows where the Stadium Operations guy is, helping this whole joke to go viral on the walkie talkies at the ballpark.  So now, everyone who knows about this joke knows we’ve started it and are just waiting to hear whats next.  So he finds the Stadium Operations guy and asks him if he knows where they are.  With everything on his mind, he too gets fooled by the joke and does everything in his power to find these “keys to the batters box”.  He and our guy come down to the field and ask us to show him what keys we’re talking about and where we think they might be.  We say a few things to aid in the continuation of this gem of a joke.  I shouldn’t say ‘we’ because I was clearly turned the other way holding my hand over my mouth the whole time trying not to laugh.  He proceeds to radio someone else, asking them if they know where the keys are.  He’s quickly interrupted by someone else spilling the beans that its just a joke and to relax!

Thats not supposed to happen.  You aren’t’ suppose to get 2 people with that joke.  Only 1.  We got 2.  So if you’re wondering, there are no keys to the batters box.  Its just one of those things that if someones gullible enough and trusts you enough with their job, then they’ll search until they find them.  A similar joke is to send them after the “left handed curveballs”.  Perhaps we can get another guy with that one…I’ll let you know if we do.

In other news, I found out I’m going to be an uncle!  My brother Peter and Sister-in-Law Danielle are due to have Grefrath baby #1 in December.  My thoughts on it all?  I’m ridiculously excited.  Excited to be the cool/fun uncle/role model that I’ve always wanted.  I’m also excited for my parents as they’ve been ancy to become grandparents for quite sometime now.  It was cool to see how God showed my mom how perfect he and his timing are through her daily quiet time.  Below is what she read the day she found out:  “All of this should remind us that the Lord knows what time is best for us as well. If you’re waiting for answered prayer or the fulfillment of one of His promises, don’t give up. If you think He has forgotten you, think again. When the fullness of time is right for you, He’ll show up–and you’ll be amazed by His brilliant timing!” 

He is perfect.  I am not.  His timing is perfect.  Mine is not.

thumbs up,




What in the world is up?  Its been too long, I’m sorry.  I pretty much go, go, go and when I don’t go I stop-but only to fall asleep and go, go, go again.  Its a pretty vicious cycle, but thats baseball.

To catch you up:  our exhibition game with the Rangers was a lot of fun.  The field looked great, and the Texas flag I put in center field was bright and shining.  Picture below.  I successfully made it through my first AAA baseball home stand. It was 8 games (which is long) and trying at times.  When you spend that amount of time with the same 3-5 people for that many days straight you start to not say a word to one another.  I remember literally coming in to work and not saying a word to anyone until at least lunch time.  Not because any of us were mad at each other, but because we were tired, annoyed, and ready for the home stand to be over.  I’d like to think I should’ve taken initiative and been nice and chatty, but that wouldn’t have helped my case of being the new guy.  Whatever.  So we’re getting ready to start our 2nd home stand (another 8 gamer) on Monday.

What else is up.  Not much really.  I just don’t have the time to do anything else, to be real honest.  I’d like to-but I don’t really know WHAT to do, and don’t have the time to meet people who DO know what to do.  Right about now you should feel sorry for me–totally kidding, don’t do that.

Whats that?  Whats my new favorite TV show.  Friday Night Lights.  Probably the best TV show I’ve ever watched in my life.  While LOST was such a terrific show, I’m all about warm heartedness and FNL gives you that in every episode.  I feel sorry for my Twitter followers because I constantly tweet about how good of a show it is.  Seriously though-want a show that makes you feel really really great about life, about being a good person, and about setting a good example for others–you’ve got it all in FNL.  Its really fun for me for a couple of reasons.  a) I can easily identify with a number of the characters.  b) the show was shot a mere 15 minutes away in Pflugarville, TX.  One of these days I’m gonna drive there and take some pictures of some notable spots and share them with y’all.  I took this one today while driving (whoops) because it reminded me of a number of the driving scenes in FNL.

Thats about all for now.  I’ve felt a tremendous presence from God this week and him reminding me, “that you’re hear because I WANT YOU TO BE, and that I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU in every way imaginable.”   Its been refreshing really.  A much needed refreshment.  Like a Dr. Pepper.

thumbs up,


ps.  Thanks to David Rowan for tagging me in a picture on Facebook which now serves as my Header picture at the top of my blog.  Thanks for thinking of me David!

Some Photos of Life-

Field for Exhibition Game. A framer right there.


Got to play golf on Saturday!


I bought a washer and dryer. Hey-o on making a big person purchase.


My new love. But seriously.


Picture I took of Texas that reminded me of FNL.


And me and my new work hat. Probably my new favorite thing.

trucks. wal-mart. flowers.


Quite the combo, I know.  Just some small things that have brought me humor over the past week or so.  Perhaps I’m really lame for thinking its humor, but I don’t care.

First, the trucks–or truckers.  As you would imagine we have quite a bit of run ins with truckers delivering all sorts of things-dirt, grass, supplies…etc.  They bring me humor in 3 ways.  First, they always ALL have either a pony tail, earrings in one of their ears, or have a cigarette in their mouth.  Next, they always put their gloves on.  Always.  This is especially funny to me because the most work they ever do is drive a fork lift, operate the dump bed of the dump truck, or take off a few straps.  Which brings me to the final way.  Perhaps the funniest of the three.  Every single one puts their straps away BEFORE unloading our products.  No, not funny?  Yes, yes it is.  Mostly because they have tools to roll their straps up, and a very certain OCD way to wrap ropes and chains up.

Went to Wal-Mart today.  Pretty incredible experience, as usual.  Listened on as a white trash (sorry, thats mean of me, but its true) woman yelled at the cashier that not enough lanes were open.  Cmon lady-he’s not responsible for that and its Wal-Mart, they NEVER have more than 4 lanes up…you out of all people should know this.  Then, I heard her mention to her boy toy that, “‘cmon we gotta get, the dogs are still out there.”  I pictured them to be in a fan with a couple small dogs.  Oh no.  I walk out the front doors only to hear about 5 dogs barking loudly.  When I finally figure out where its coming from, I see the lady with her boy loading their groceries up into an old farm truck.  With, you guessed it, 5 massive dogs in the back that would not stop barking!  Oh, america.

Apparently wild flowers in Texas are quite the deal.  As in, its against the law to mow them until their done budding.  So everywhere you drive theres these awesome yellow, blue, red wild flowers EVERYWHERE.  There was a family taking pictures in them alongside the highway this afternoon.  Some people even mow their lawns, but mow around the patches of wild flowers.  Unbelievable.

I’ve yet to see the Hunger Games.  I’m not happy about it, and don’t want to talk about it.  I know its good, and am jealous of every single one of you who has seen it.  Unfair.

thumbs up,


encouraged. in a cuhrazy way.


I recently finished a book titled, Simply Jesus and You.  It was a tremendous read, focusing on being satisfied with Jesus and loving what Jesus loves.  People.  Much of it was focused around sharing life with people, encouraging others, and sharing the gospel with them.  Its funny to me how when God wants to knock home a point he goes all out.  So I was encouraged this week with the presence of some people.

In a matter of one week I had 10 people within a 2 hour radius of me.  I go from really not knowing a soul and having to fend for myself and make new friends, to having 10 old (but still good) ones right in my backyard.  One of my best friends, Stephen, was in Austin for South By Southwest.  Sadly he was busy with his new company (check em out) and was unable to meet up.  South By is ridiculous.  More on that in a second.  Another one of my best friends Dan sent me a text Thursday that he was in San Antonio touring an optometry school.  Again, our schedules conflicted and we were unable to meet up.  While I would’ve loved seeing both of them and seeing a familiar face, I was somehow comforted knowing they were just a few minutes or a couple hours away.  Something I needed, really.

Then, I get a text Thursday from a younger Theta Chi telling me they were headed to South Padre Island for spring break and were wondering where a good place to stay would be.  As any good friend and brother would do, I offered my place to 8 Theta Chi brothers in route to their Spring Break destination.  I had a stinkin blast with those guys.  I’ve been so grateful for Theta Chi in the past for many reasons.  However, after seeing their familiar faces, catching up, and laughing at the ridiculous things they say–I’ve never felt more grateful to be intertwined with such an outstanding group of men.

We had a fun time eating and drinking green beer at a local sports bar, while watching Brady Heslip drain three pointer after three pointer.  I might add-that dude has some brilliant hair.  No homo.  Of course we were loud, and for whatever reason everyone and their brother starred at us when we walked out.  Its like they knew none of us were from Texas.  Imagine that.

After that we piled in the car and drove to downtown Austin.  To 6th street.  To 6th street during South By Southwest.  And St Patricks day.  Whats that?  What were we thinking?  Yea, I don’t know what we were thinking.  The traffic getting into the city was a bit backed up, and finding a parking spot was a bit of a troubling experience but we found a garage a few blocks from 6th street that did.

Talk about an experience.  Talk about seeing just about every type of person you could think of.  You had your hippies, and your goths, your homeless Morgan Freeman look a likes, old lady with a cane and sunglasses, the girls who think they have to wear little to nothing to attract a guy, gweedo’s, men dressed in kilts, men dressed as irish women, men dressed as leprechauns, an occasional normal looking couple, bands playing on moving trailers, a man with a sign that read “Not Pregnant?  I can help!”, and yes, children on their parents shoulders dancing to bongo playing bands.  Unnnnreal.  Thats just the people.  Now, what you’re walking on.  Basically a closed off downtown street covered with human beings.  The street covered in flyers of bands looking to make it big via a flyer at South By, any and every piece of trash you could imagine, a sticky residue brought on by alcohol, throw up, and probably urine.  You knew it was there, you kept stepping forward, and you never looked down to see what you were stepping on.  And the smells.  Despite the fact that we were outside, because of the amount of smoking going on, I felt as if I were in a smoky bar.  So you had your cigarette smoke, your pipe smoke, your weed, your musty hippy hemp smell, the food being sold out of trucks smell, alcohol, and trash.

To say my experience on 6th Street last night wasn’t memorable would be a lie.  I’ll never forget that gem of a street, and will be going back.  Just not during South By and St Patricks day.  Yikes.

Point of the post…I was encouraged by people from my past who all the sudden were in my present.  I was encouraged by the fact that even when I don’t get to see them, they’re still there.  They’re interested in me, my life, and how I’m doing in life.  It encouraged me to want to be that guy to all people I know and encounter.

thumbs up,


keepin’ it real. keepin’ it simple.


Sort of an update, but not really. Nothing too exciting has happened since the last time we talked. The last time being when I told you about my accident.  Ended up finally getting it in the shop last week Thursday, so hopefully it will be finished this week sometime.  Fingers crossed.   Also, I’ve given up Facebook for lent (40 days).  Yeah.

It’s quite awesome really–the way God quickly made what I thought was a hectic/new life really really simple.  And by simple I mean no car, no spending money, riding a bike to work, eating whats left in my cabinet, reading, writing.  Its nice, it really is.  I haven’t had to muster up my pride and walk to the grocery store yet, but thats not out of the question.  To be honest, I’m actually excited for that to possibly happen.

And for giving up Facebook.  People always ask “why”, or “I don’t see the point in giving it up” and I suppose I once thought the same thing.  However, since actually giving it up I’ve now realized how much time I devote to it.  I suppose its fine to be involved in peoples lives through a social network like Facebook, but when you spend a tremendous amount of time on it (Like I have been for 5+ years) it gets a bit out of hand.  Call it an addiction if you will.  I will.  But, Facebook is a great tool, and I won’t stop using it.  Perhaps I’ll try using it less though.

By the way–watching The Red Carpet and I’m convinced I need to find an English woman to date, court, and eventually marry.  Just whenever…

Probably my least favorite post to date…

thumbs up,


ouch x2


Well-I write this with a low spirit.  First-Whitney Houston died.  Thats sad, she was a great singer and was a big part of my childhood as my mom was quite the fan.  Also, I was in an accident this morning pulling out of my church parking lot.

Gosh, wrecks are pretty much the opposite of fun.  I realize all the exchanging of information, people starring on as they drive by, and talking with the police is a bad thing; but the wreck itself is twice as awful.   That split second that you decide to turn, only to realize theres a car slamming on its breaks a foot away from you.  Then the loudest most awful sound in the world when two cars hit–horrible.  And of course the thought process after you get hit–thinking a million things at once, “no way did that just happen”, “wow that was really loud”, “how am i going to pay for this”, “this is the last thing I need”, “am i going to get a ticket”.  All of these thoughts occurring before your car even stops after getting hit.  Or at least thats what I was thinking.

Enough about the wreck.  I’m fine, my car could be worse, and the people that hit me (it was my fault) were nice and understanding as well.  As for what I learned–it just dawned on me a mere 20 minutes ago (4 hours after the fact).  I bent down to put my laundry away when I realized, “I opened this same drawer this morning, not having a clue that I was going to get in a wreck today.”

That, my friends is why life sucks, but also why life is incredible.  It sucks because had I known that, I would’ve chose to stay in my apartment all day long and not step foot in my car.  It sucks because had we known that one girl or guy was going to break our heart, we would’ve never loved them the way we did.  It sucks because we don’t know.  Its incredible because had I stayed in bed this morning and not gone to church, I would’ve missed out on one of the best sermons I’ve ever heard.  Its incredible because we did take a chance on that guy or girl and because of that we had some wonderful wonderful times together.  Its incredible because we don’t know.

Not knowing is perhaps one of the most uncomfortable feelings of all.  However, its through not knowing that we are perfected.  Its through our faults, our mistakes, our heart breaks that we become closer and closer to what God had in mind for each one of us.  To quote the verse from todays sermon, the bible says:  “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” -Phil 1: 6

What am I trying to say?  I guess, and you may think I’m crazy, what I’m trying to say is that I’m grateful for that accident today.  I know somehow, someway God is using that or will use that for his glory.  So that wreck–I give all the glory to God.  For letting it happen, for keeping the people that hit me safe, for keeping me safe, and for allowing us to not know.

thumbs up,
